Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Groundhog's Day

If a Yankee rodent is to believed, we are in for six more weeks of Winter. But in my research, I've read that National Geographic claims that Phil is only right one out of every three times.

It's an old German tradiation which may even be pre-dated by the English who celebrate Candlemas Day on Feb. 2. Candlemas weather was supposed to predict the coming of Spring too, just like the groundhog. (this is where I could insert a long explanation about cross-quarter day celebrations and the winter solstice and the spring equinox... but I'll spare you)

Either way, whether we have six weeks of wintery weather or if the pear trees bloom by the end of February, working on the Passion Play (which is also six weeks away) will keep us warm and busy.

Thanks to everyone who was able to come to our "bonus" rehearsal this morning. We were able to sing through everything and work out some notes.

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