Friday, February 27, 2009

Music for March 1

March 1, 2009 AM

Sing to the King
O Worship the King
Sing to the King

Prayer – Bro. Lyndel Littleton

Choir Anthem – Lord, You’re Holy
Chief Louise Kelton – soloist

Welcome – Dr. Larry D. Robertson
Recognition of Public Servants – police, fire, EMT, etc.

Welcome song – Friend of God

Children’s sermon – Bro. Tim Muñoz

It Is Well
Made Me Glad

Special music – Chief Louise Kelton

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Invitation – Change My Heart, O God

Offertory – Wind and Fire – Shout to the Lord

Announcements & Benediction – Bro. Tim Munoz

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today's E-Inchoirer

If you are a member of the choir at Hilldale Baptist Church then you already know that each week there is the latest edition of The Inchoirer which includes rehearsal notes and all kinds of interesting and exciting information for you. Now and then I send out an electronic Inchoirer called the E-Inchoirer. Here is a copy of what I sent out today in case you didn't get it or for our readers out there in blog land that aren't on our E-Inchoirer mailing list.

Hi Everyone! I hope you're having a great day.

Here are a few things that I think you'll find very exciting to know.

1. We're adding 15 minutes to tonight's rehearsal so we can work longer on Passion Play music. Wow! 15 more minutes of great singing, worship, fun and friends!

2. For a limited time Pepsi and Mt. Dew are going to make their sodas with REAL SUGAR instead of high fructose corn syrup. Woohoo! Nothing like Pepsi and a donut to get your day started.

3. You all looked and sounded GREAT last Sunday. We had a BIG choir BOTH services. THANKS! I'll see if Chuck can get a video for us to put up here.

4. It's not too late to sign up for "The Family Art Project." (check it out here on our blog - )

5. Wind and Fire (our instrumental ensemble) will be playing the offertory this Sunday.

6. We've had many new and returning choir members since January incuding: Barbara (S), Hailey (A), Allison (A), Shannon S), Cara (A), Dave (T), Michael (T), Pennie (S), Angela (A), Jackie (B), Tom (B), Sylvia (S) WOW!!!

I'll be looking for you tonight at 6:30. and as always… let me know if you didn't get this so I can double check your e-mail address.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Family Art Project sign up continues...

This is a repost of an earlier post.
I need to know VERY soon if your family is going to join us. I need to order canvas and paint and stuff. (Stuff is the fancy art term for "other art supplies." See - you learn something new every day.

Notice the date is March 21 for The Family Art Project.

So here's the original post.
You know I can't help myself. I'm always looking for something new and creative and either musical or artsy to do. So I've come up with something that I know will be a lot of fun.

I'm calling it "The Family Art Project."

Now before you start thinking how cute it would be for the families with 6 year olds in them to paint something together, this project is perfect for families with youth, empty-nesters, and Sr. Adult couples as well as families with elementary aged children - basically any family.

Click on the picture for a larger version of this poster. (Makes it easier to read!)

We'll begin with some fun activities that will show each family a little bit about their family personality. Then we'll talk just a little about color and form and some of those kinds of artistic things. Then we'll break out the paints and brushes!

I'll have some step-by-step instructions that will guide each family in making a beautiful piece of art that will be a cooperative effort by everyone. Each family will be proud to hang this one-of-a-kind painting over their sofa or in the family room or - well, just about any place where there is room for a 30 x 40 painting.

I do have to charge for this - to buy canvases and paint. The cost will be only $40 - cheaper than a night at the movies and a whole lot more fun and you'll end up with something that will last forever. It's also my hope that you'll learn a little bit about each member of your family and make some great memories.

Call the church office if you need more information.

Monday, February 23, 2009

30,000 hits! soon!

Oh my! I was going to mention this earlier, but since I was out of town Friday and Saturday at the East Tennessee State Handbell Festival I didn't get this posted, but we are just a few hits away from number 30,000! Wow!

As usual, there will be a prize for number 30,000. Just leave a comment and I'll get your prize to you.

I never posted the winner of our 20,000th hit. Here she is - Phyllis - receiving her prize. It's an original painting by yours truly (where did that I phrase originate? I'll have to check into that.)

Well, anyway, I was trying to think of a good prize for 20,000 and I knew that Phyllis collects miniature paintings and so I decided to paint her one. I wasn't sure what to paint for 20,000 when I thought of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. So on the painting are two little orange fish and if you look toward the bottom of the painting you'll see 20,000 in the seaweeds.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

News from Last NIght

We had a great rehearsal last night in choir. Thanks to everyone for being there. There were 73 of us! Now... that should mean that we should have 37 of us in each service this Sunday morning. The song we're singing - Prepare Ye the Way - needs a big choir.

We want to welcome some new choir members.
Shannon K. - soprano
Haley T. - alto (and 2nd sop)
Allison T. - alto
Craig G. - bass

I'm looking forward to Chief Kelton singing with us on March 1. It's an awesome song and we need to have 40 in each service that day!

Here's last night's Inchoirer in case you missed and want up on all the latest news. See you Sunday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hallelujah to the King

Our choir was down a little in numbers Sunday since there was a three day weekend, but you all sounded great! I thought you might enjoy hearing yourself here.

And you were even smiling a lot of the time. Of course it's hard not to smile when you are singing something this much fun.

For those of you out there that now want to sing this at your church, the song is "Hallelujah to the King" written by Jason Michael Webb and published by Word music.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Bytes and Bites

How many bytes could a gigabyte bite if a gigabyte could bite bytes? That may sound a bit confusing, but it makes about as much sense as our computers are right now. Here's the latest update.

1. We are getting some e-mails now, but if the traffic is heavy on I-24 between exit 35 and exit 40 then there is going to be a bit of delay of the bytes.

2. We can get to our membership files unless there are more than 5 junior high boys acting a little ADHD at one time at more than 2 local schools. This apparently comes and goes.

3. When the sun comes in my office window in the afternoons the air doesn't come on and it gets kinda warm in my office, but in the mornings before the sun warms us up the air-conditioning is on and I have to wear a sweater. Oh, sorry, different computer...

7. The AC just came on and I may need to erase point number 3.

5. Outlook tries to connect to the server every 1-2 minutes and sometimes it actually does for a few seconds and a cople of e-mails will pop in. woohoo!

6. To be certain that one of your pastors or one of the assistants gets a message it is probably better to CALL - at least for the next day or so.

12. The numbering here is based on the latest updates available for our computers.

9. I've made up a lot of this but some of it is very true but you have to have a computer to decipher which is what and where is who. or is that whom?

31. February only has 28 days this year, but since we can't get to the church calendar we can't confirm that or any other event coming up. Except that I do know that the Passion Play is April 9-11.

14. I think I'm going to read a book. Check back tomorrow for more exciting computer updates.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Music for February 15

He Reigns

Prayer – L Littleton

Choir anthem – Hallelujah to the King

Welcome to Worship – LD Robertson

Welcome song – I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

Children’s message – T Muñoz

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
Ancient Words ancient words

Special Music –

Message – LD Robertson

Invitation – I Surrender All

A Day without E-mail

Actually, it's now been a WEEK since we have had our church e-mail. It's also been a week since we've been able to access phone numbers, addresses, membership and attendance rolls, any files saved on the company server, etc. We DO still have Internet access. So if you need to send a message you'll have to either send it through FaceBook or - gasp - use the phone.

Hahahaha. Remember these?

A friend of mine always says - usually when one isn't working like it should - "computers are our friends!"

I probably shouldn't say who's office this is.

Keep in touch! See you Sunday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Wednesday! Time for Choir!

If we survive the storms coming in - just a little joke for our weather-phobes - we'll have a great time in choir tonight. We'll hear a couple of songs we didn't get to last week that are part of our Passion Play and we'll get some songs ready to sing on Sunday mornings in the next few weeks.

If you missed yesterday's post about our Family Art Project be sure and scroll down and read about it. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Tomorrow we're beginning a handbell choir for homeschool children. Since Sundays and Wednesday are pretty much filled up there hasn't been a rehearsal time available for children's bells. So... since homeschooled children can get together during the day we're going to meet on Thursday afternoons. I'm really excited about it. I started playing bells when I was in the third grade.

Here's a video of some children playing bells.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Family Art Project - March 21

You know I can't help myself. I'm always looking for something new and creative and either musical or artsy to do. So I've come up with something that I know will be a lot of fun.
I'm calling it "The Family Art Project."

Now before you start thinking how cute it would be for the families with 6 year olds in them to paint something together, this project is perfect for families with youth, empty-nesters, and Sr. Adult couples as well as families with elementary aged children - basically any family.

Click on the picture for a larger version of this poster. (Makes it easier to read!)

We'll begin with some fun activities that will show each family a little bit about their family personality. Then we'll talk just a little about color and form and some of those kinds of artistic things. Then we'll break out the paints and brushes!

I'll have some step-by-step instructions that will guide each family in making a beautiful piece of art that will be a cooperative effort by everyone. Each family will be proud to hang this one-of-a-kind painting over their sofa or in the family room or - well, just about any place where there is room for a 30 x 40 painting.

I do have to charge for this - to buy canvases and paint. The cost will be only $40 - cheaper than a night at the movies and a whole lot more fun and you'll end up with something that will last forever. It's also my hope that you'll learn a little bit about each member of your family and make some great memories.

Call the church office if you need more information.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Race to Win

The kids did a great job last night as they presented "Race to Win."
I don't have one of those fancy-schmancy cameras that will take a great picture from a distance without a flash and everyone moving... but it gives you an idea of the night.

Thanks to alllll of the teachers, helpers, directors, drama coaches, decorators, sound and lights and camera crew, etc. etc. for making the night so special for our kids.

And thanks to the parents who faithfully bring their children to church a little early on Sunday nights so they can be involved in our children's choirs.

Here are the main actors from last night.

Or perhaps this is the main "actor." Kinda scary, huh?

Here's a video of me trying to get the kids all wound up before they began.

New Choir Officers

Congratulations to our new officers for 2009

Well, first, let me thank our past officers. We appreciate so much all that you did for our choir and our worship/music ministry.

President - Barbara Goolsby
V.P. - Mark Black
Secretary/Treasurer - Stacy Risinger
Decorating/Social Coordinator - Ramona Ambrose
Librarian/Robe Czar - Debbie DiFiore

Section Leaders
Soprano - Jan Fox
Alto - Kristi Huang
Tenor - Nadine Ray
Bass - Larry Nicholson

Hahaha! The "click here" was already on the picture. It doesn't really do anything. Well, at least I don't think it does. You might click it to double check.

Our new officers are:

President - Lynn Brake
V.P. - Tyson Harris
Secretary - Rhea Ann Nicholson
Decorating - Ramona Ambrose
Librarian - Star Berry

Section Leaders
Soprano - Brenda Barron
Alto - Donna Schrenk
Tenor - Nadine Ray
Bass - Pat Bryant

Order of Worship for Sunday, February 8

February 8, 2009 AM

You Are God Alone (Our Wind and Fire ensemble will play along with the band on this one)

Prayer – Bro. Lyndel Littleton

Special Presentation – Kevin Kennedy & Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Choir Anthem – Revive Us Again

Welcome to Worship – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Welcome Song – Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)

Children’s Message – Bro. Tim Muñoz

Down at the Cross
Above All

Special Music – Men – The Power of the Cross Click here if you missed hearing this the other day

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Invitation Song – Whiter than Snow

Offertory – Mary Beth Mathews

Announcements & Benediction – Bro. Tony Lewis

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Warm Your Heart

So... the weather man says that today's high is going to warm allll the way up to 28! Woohoo! If there wasn't hope for the 60s by Saturday I think I'd be packing to go visit Florida. Us skinny boys don't stay very warm in this kind of windy cold. I think I need a fireplace in my office.

Since it is so cold it makes it easy to think about staying home instead of getting out to choir rehearsal. Let me encourage you to fight that hibernation instinct and come warm up in choir.

The old saying "Cold hands, warm heart" can be seen perfectly tonight. The best way to warm your heart is by getting out (getting cold hands) and getting together with friends and singing songs of praise to the Savior (that will warm your heart up quickly).
Bring someone with you tonight that needs to warm up!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Giants in the Land

I found a video of our Children's Pastor in a former life when he starred in bad "B" ,movies. I thought you all would enjoy it!