Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Wednesday! Time for Choir!

If we survive the storms coming in - just a little joke for our weather-phobes - we'll have a great time in choir tonight. We'll hear a couple of songs we didn't get to last week that are part of our Passion Play and we'll get some songs ready to sing on Sunday mornings in the next few weeks.

If you missed yesterday's post about our Family Art Project be sure and scroll down and read about it. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Tomorrow we're beginning a handbell choir for homeschool children. Since Sundays and Wednesday are pretty much filled up there hasn't been a rehearsal time available for children's bells. So... since homeschooled children can get together during the day we're going to meet on Thursday afternoons. I'm really excited about it. I started playing bells when I was in the third grade.

Here's a video of some children playing bells.

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