Monday, February 23, 2009

30,000 hits! soon!

Oh my! I was going to mention this earlier, but since I was out of town Friday and Saturday at the East Tennessee State Handbell Festival I didn't get this posted, but we are just a few hits away from number 30,000! Wow!

As usual, there will be a prize for number 30,000. Just leave a comment and I'll get your prize to you.

I never posted the winner of our 20,000th hit. Here she is - Phyllis - receiving her prize. It's an original painting by yours truly (where did that I phrase originate? I'll have to check into that.)

Well, anyway, I was trying to think of a good prize for 20,000 and I knew that Phyllis collects miniature paintings and so I decided to paint her one. I wasn't sure what to paint for 20,000 when I thought of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. So on the painting are two little orange fish and if you look toward the bottom of the painting you'll see 20,000 in the seaweeds.

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