Monday, February 16, 2009

Bytes and Bites

How many bytes could a gigabyte bite if a gigabyte could bite bytes? That may sound a bit confusing, but it makes about as much sense as our computers are right now. Here's the latest update.

1. We are getting some e-mails now, but if the traffic is heavy on I-24 between exit 35 and exit 40 then there is going to be a bit of delay of the bytes.

2. We can get to our membership files unless there are more than 5 junior high boys acting a little ADHD at one time at more than 2 local schools. This apparently comes and goes.

3. When the sun comes in my office window in the afternoons the air doesn't come on and it gets kinda warm in my office, but in the mornings before the sun warms us up the air-conditioning is on and I have to wear a sweater. Oh, sorry, different computer...

7. The AC just came on and I may need to erase point number 3.

5. Outlook tries to connect to the server every 1-2 minutes and sometimes it actually does for a few seconds and a cople of e-mails will pop in. woohoo!

6. To be certain that one of your pastors or one of the assistants gets a message it is probably better to CALL - at least for the next day or so.

12. The numbering here is based on the latest updates available for our computers.

9. I've made up a lot of this but some of it is very true but you have to have a computer to decipher which is what and where is who. or is that whom?

31. February only has 28 days this year, but since we can't get to the church calendar we can't confirm that or any other event coming up. Except that I do know that the Passion Play is April 9-11.

14. I think I'm going to read a book. Check back tomorrow for more exciting computer updates.

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