Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today's E-Inchoirer

If you are a member of the choir at Hilldale Baptist Church then you already know that each week there is the latest edition of The Inchoirer which includes rehearsal notes and all kinds of interesting and exciting information for you. Now and then I send out an electronic Inchoirer called the E-Inchoirer. Here is a copy of what I sent out today in case you didn't get it or for our readers out there in blog land that aren't on our E-Inchoirer mailing list.

Hi Everyone! I hope you're having a great day.

Here are a few things that I think you'll find very exciting to know.

1. We're adding 15 minutes to tonight's rehearsal so we can work longer on Passion Play music. Wow! 15 more minutes of great singing, worship, fun and friends!

2. For a limited time Pepsi and Mt. Dew are going to make their sodas with REAL SUGAR instead of high fructose corn syrup. Woohoo! Nothing like Pepsi and a donut to get your day started.

3. You all looked and sounded GREAT last Sunday. We had a BIG choir BOTH services. THANKS! I'll see if Chuck can get a video for us to put up here.

4. It's not too late to sign up for "The Family Art Project." (check it out here on our blog - )

5. Wind and Fire (our instrumental ensemble) will be playing the offertory this Sunday.

6. We've had many new and returning choir members since January incuding: Barbara (S), Hailey (A), Allison (A), Shannon S), Cara (A), Dave (T), Michael (T), Pennie (S), Angela (A), Jackie (B), Tom (B), Sylvia (S) WOW!!!

I'll be looking for you tonight at 6:30. and as always… let me know if you didn't get this so I can double check your e-mail address.

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