Saturday, August 18, 2012

Corporate Worship

Here's a sneak preview of what I wrote for the front of the bulletin tomorrow. It actually would be better for you to read it tonight rather than during Bro. Pauls' sermon. (I know you won't be reading your bulletin while we're singing. hahaha)

Corporate Worship – you may not have heard that term before, but if you are here in a worship service you are a part of Corporate Worship. Simply put, Corporate Worship is all of us coming together to sing, pray, give, hear God’s word and respond – together. “I can worship just fine at the golf course.” Yes, you can, but you will miss the blessing of sharing together what God has done in our lives. When we are in a worship service we celebrate together the mighty acts of God, we share each other’s sorrows, we pray for each other and encourage each other, we lift our voices together in testimony and praise; we demonstrate to the world and each other the love of Christ – together!

Singing and worshipping together gives us an opportunity to live out Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” In Corporate Worship Grandma sings a new song she doesn’t know (and maybe doesn’t like) because she knows it speaks to her grandson. Grandson sings an old hymn that he may not know (and may not really like) because he loves grandma and knows that she likes it. Both are living out Philippians 2:3.

This is an exciting month in our music/worship ministry:
We began a High School Handbell Choir that will travel on mission next June to Portugal,

Our Adult Choir and Praise Band will record a CD in August and September, and today, August 19, our Adult Choir is having our annual Christmas Preview Party for this year’s Living Christmas Tree. (5:00, Youth Building A) It’s not too late for you to plug into our music/worship ministry as part of our choir, working a camera, running sound, etc. And EVERY week is the perfect time for you to live out Philippians 2:3 as we worship together.

No matter which service or which campus you worship in, “consider others as more important than yourself” and let Hebrews 10:24-25 be your guide: “24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

It’s a joy being your Worship Pastor.

1 comment:

  1. Great word for your people, Lyndel! This is what a "worship leader" does, pastor the congregation in worshiping together in Corporate worship - ekklesia (the called out ones) includes the notion of assembling to worship and rehearse the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
