Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What Adoption Has Taught Me About God

Well... maybe not taught me new things, but helped me see again some wonderful truths about our heavenly Father. While visiting my newest grandson in the hospital, I realized that the emotions I was feeling and the thoughts I was having are what God sees when he looks at us. We are his adopted sons and daughters when we know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Here are just some random thoughts about adoption from an earthly grandfather thinking about his new adopted grandson. Notice what they tell you about God and His adoption of us.

  • I totally love my adopted grandchildren as much as my non-adopted grandchildren.
  • I love this tiny baby boy and he doesn't even know who I am.
  • His heart is all messed up but I love him anyway.
  • I love him because he was chosen and loved by my daughter, not because he can do something for me.
  • I'm all worried about him and want the best for him even though he doesn't even know what he may need.
  • I talk to him when I am with him so he will know my voice when he's able to see me. (He's in a drug induced sleep right now while his heart mends.)
  • I took up an offense for him and my other adopted grandchildren when I heard that a stupid preacher said you shouldn't adopt children because you don't know what problems they may have (Pat Robertson - earlier this month Read about it here
I suppose the list could go on and on. (Add to it your own thoughts. Or better yet, post them here as a comment.) I think you see what I am saying here. All the things I give to my children and grandchildren are for ALL of them - adopted or not.

I love it when at the adoption proceedings the judge says something like "all the rights and responsibilities of the family, including inheritance are granted as if the child was a natural-born child." And they say something like "and these can't be taken away".... I guess I should have called Christy to double check how this is all worded. Oh, and this makes a great case for the "Baptist" doctrine of "once saved always saved." But that's another post.

I'll close this post with this beautiful verse from Ephesians. (notice the phrase "kind intention" - wow!)

Ephesians 1:5 NAS

He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,


  1. Five years ago, we had the unbelievable experience of meeting our daughter's birthmother. Our daughter, Madeline, was already 23 days old and was in the care of a nurse. Without a doubt, God's hand was connecting us with the birthmother every second of the meeting. She went to the same schools as my husband. She has the same birthday as my father. She said she always wanted to be involved in music like we are. She liked my husband's sense of humor and he reminded her of a favorite teacher. At the end of our meeting we heard the most glorious words, "I want you to adopt my child." Madeline was meant to be with us from the very beginning. She is our precious gift from God. We are so thankful that the Holy Spirit led the birthmother to choose us.

  2. Beautifully said, Lyndel. Your grandfather heart comes thru and reflects our Heavenly Father's tender mercy. Praying with you for your grandson and family.
