Monday, August 13, 2012

Missed a Whole Month? Here's an Update

Wow! I knew I hadn't blogged in a while, but I had no idea that my last post was in June!

Rather than explaining why that may have happened, let me tell you the exciting things coming up in our music/worship ministry.

1. We started a new Youth Handbell Choir made up of older teens that are in band or play the piano or for some other reason can read music. We will be going on mission to Portugal next June!

2. Our choir is recording a CD in September. I have spent a LOT of time over the last few weeks getting music ready for that.

3. THIS Sunday night, August 19, at 5:00 in Youth Building A our Choir is having our annual Christmas Party Preview of the music for this year's "the Tree."

Now is the perfect time for you to get involved in our music/worship ministry.

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