Monday, May 17, 2010

Memory Monday - Looking Out for Number One?

If you are following along then you know that I sidetracked myself - or chased a rabbit - last week. Click here if you missed it

The verse I would like to memorize this week is the one I intended to recommend last week - Hebrews 10:24.
Hebrews 10:23.Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful ;

24.and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,

25.not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
We often hear verse 25 quoted - usually when we're talking about people who have gone missing from church and haven't been seen in a while. However, you really need to read all three of these verse together to get the full meaning and some good instruction.
The world is working overtime and extra hard to shape us into it's image - to long for the things of the world - to be distracted and caught up in worldly things. We all know people who at one time were living the Christian life only to be torn down by the world and fall away from a life of faith. That's why it is so important that we "hold fast" to our confession of faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. Unless we are watchful we too can be caught up in the world and become less than useful to the Kingdom work.
The key to holding fast is found in verse 24 - today's memory verse.
and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
as we encourage - stimulate - inspire - model love and good deeds we not only help others "hold fast" but we "hold fast" ourselves.
It seems now that the American way is to be selfish and "look out for number one" and all of that.
Looking out for Number One would be the antithesis of a Christ-filled life. (At least as long as number one is yourself.) (Notice the name of this guy's other book - "Winning Through Intimidation." Not exactly taken from Christ's words or example.)
When we take our focus off of ourselves and our own wants and instead look for ways to stimulate others to love and good deeds we will find ourselves acting like Christians! Imitators of Christ Himself who humbled Himself and gave Himself for us.
There are people in your life that you are in contact with every day - family, co-workers, classmates, friends. Will you take a moments and pick out two or three of these people in your life and ask God what you can do to "stimulate" them to "love and good works" ? It's not necessarily an easy assignment, but definitely a godly one. Think of the difference we can make this week if all of us are encouraging each other to love and good works. Wow! I think we would see the fulfillment of Christ's words found in John 13:35 NIV
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

That takes us back to verse 25 - not forsaking the assembling together... If we are loving each other, and encouragin each other and helping each other with good deeds the "assembling together" is easy. We won't want to wait to see each other again in life and in worship. We'll get together not only on Sundays but during the week too. Not so much for formal times of worship, but just to be together because of our love for each other.
See you soon!

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