Thursday, May 13, 2010

Justice for Nigeria

It has been awhile since I have posted something about the Persectued Church. Here is a message from Open Doors. I hope you will click on the link and send a message to the Ambassador from Nigeria.
I have.

Plateau State in Nigeria has long been home to many Christians. But they have come under increasing attacks in 2010. Many believe these attacks are part of a planned siege designed by Islamic extremists to bring Plateau State into line with the twelve northern states that have embraced Sharia (Islamic law).

In early March, ethnic Fulani Muslims attacked 3 villages near Jos which resulted in the deaths of about 500 Christians and the burning of about 75 homes. Eyewitnesses say the attackers used knives and cutlasses, while shouting "Allah Akbar" during their attacks on men, women and children.

In the face of these atrocities, we need to stand with our brothers and sisters in Nigeria to hold their government to account for failing to protect Christians.

Please send a message to the Nigerian Ambassador today (see form below), asking the Nigerian government to launch a thorough investigation of this incident, hold the perpetrators to account for their involvement in these crimes and ensure that the victims receive compensation for the crimes committed against them.

Stop Attacks on Christians in Nigeria


  1. Dear Lyndel,
    Thank you for using your voice to speak up for those who were mercilessly slaughtered in Nigeria.
    By sending your message, you create pressure on the Nigerian government to act.
    We pray our efforts help bring the attackers to justice and protect Christians from future attacks.
    Advocating with you,

    Lindsay Vessey
    Advocacy Director

  2. I just sent a letter too. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
