Thursday, January 3, 2013

Accordions can be FUN!

If you missed this year's Living Christmas Tree you missed - as far as I know - the very first appearance of accordions in "the Tree." I may be wrong, but surely someone would have said, "Oh! Accordions? In the Tree? We've done that before..."
Brothers Tim and Terry brought out accordions in the middle of the program!
Bro. Terry helped me with getting one on.
I'll see if Perry can get us a video of our song for me to add to this post!
(As always, you can click on a picture to see a larger version of it.)
I mentioned one night that my son has an accordion. It was his accordion that I was using!
 (Yes, I knew about it before hand.)
Here's Andrew with his accordion. His father-in-law is Swiss and plays the accordion.
How cool is that?

And now his son, Elam has an accordion. He got one for Christmas!
The grandfather in me couldn't resist putting up a picture of one of my grandbabies!
Here's a little accordion music for you.
What could be better than "Amazing Grace" on an accordion?

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