Friday, December 21, 2012

Fun with Bro. Tim

Bro. Tm and I have had a lot of fun together over the years.
Of course there is always VBS week.
Here's the year he tied me to the railroad tracks! I'm sure it was totally unprovoked actions.
 And of course there a lots of pictures of the two of us getting pies in our faces.
I'm not sure how I get pulled into that every year.
We had a lot of fun with the Kingdom I don't remember the name Children's choir deal.
Some people say we are twins (think Jacob and Esau). We looked more like twins when I grew a beard last winter.
I don't know what he said... (Golden Granny Awards)
Sometimes I have to lay down the law and threaten his life so he learns his lines or doesn't mess up important things like the Passion Play.
Tim is always willing to lend a helping hand or shoulder. Here we are uncovering the exit signs after the Passion Play. Rather than pick me up twice, he just carried me across the room.
It's great having such a good friend to do ministry with.
Oh! I almost forgot. The reason this all got started was because of all the fun we had in this year's Living Christmas Tree. (Click the picture for a bigger view.)


  1. I love it - so funny! And it is fun to work with people you can laugh with!
