Thursday, May 10, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 131

Hmmmm. I was having a bit of difficulty deciding what to say about this psalm. It is only 3 verses long and I wasn't sure exactly what David was wanting to get across. So I pulled out volume 3 of "The Treasury of David" to see what the famous theologian C.H. Spurgeon had to say.

 Spurgeon He has 8 pages  of commentary on these three verses! Haha. Leave it to a preacher to turn 3 verses into an 8 page commentary. (a very good commentary I might add)

Amazing. (and no, I didn't read all eight pages)

Psalm 130 (yesterday) was a psalm seeking forgiveness. A person who has found forgiveness can then live in humility before the Lord, knowing that his forgiveness was undeserved, yet freely given to those who put their hope in God (the theme of today's psalm.)

The Apostle Paul worded it like this:
 Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

On an entirely different note (and at a small attempt of humor)

You know how people say, "That's above my pay grade" when they don't want to think about something or take responsibility for something, etc. I think I'm going to start quoting the second half of Psalm 131:1 at those times - and of course make sure whoever I'm talking to knows I'm quoting scripture.

"I do not get involved with things too great or too difficult for me."

hahaha. As I was looking for a picture to go along with the saying "above my pay grade" the first dozen or so pictures were all of our president after he made that comment after being asked "when does life begin?"
Maybe he should have quoted Psalm 131:1

1 comment:

  1. Okay, for taking a phrase out of context, I would go with the "small bit" of verse 1 (KJV) "neither do I exercise." But I'm sure my gym teachers and workout leaders would be shaking their fingers at me.

    I like the way that The Message puts part of verse 2 "I've cultivated a quiet heart." I do need to figure out what to get involved in (and when to speak up and get involved, when to just keep silence, again, "There is such a thing as an unspoken thought). I would love a quiet heart, I envision a peaceful heart.
