Wednesday, May 9, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 130 - Lord, Have Mercy

Psalm 130 is part of the songs of ascents. It is also one of the penitential psalms - meaning a psalm asking for forgiveness of sin. It has been set to music (according to wikipedia) by over 30 classical composers including Bach, Mozart and Handel.

Right now, my favorite setting is "Lord, Have Mercy" that we sang in our Passion Play this year. It's not a word for word setting of this psalm, but many words and phrases of Psalm 130 are found in this song.
"all our hope is in You" is taken from vs. 5 and 7. The second verse of "Lord, Have Mercy" has the phrase "if You would mark iniquities, O Lord, who would stand? But mercy, mercy like a fountain flows from Thy hand." which - at least at the beginning - is a direct quote from this psalm. (I don't have the video from the Passion Play right now, but here is the Hilldale choir singing "Lord, Have Mercy.")

Kýrie, eléison is Greek, meaning, Lord, have mercy. It has been a part of Christian liturgy since the earliest times.

I used this song in the Passion Play (for those of you who weren't able to see it) as the background for the arrest, trial and beginning of the crucifixion of Jesus. "Why would you do that?" you may ask.
"Father, if it be Your will, let this cup pass from Me. Yet, not as I will but as You will."

In this song we have the singers pleading for mercy from God for their sins. The crucifixion of Jesus is EXACTLY how God showed us His mercy in that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Jesus healing the servant's ear (after Peter cut it off.)

Here are more pictures from the Passion Play taken during "Lord, Have Mercy."
In this picture you see the three scenes happening at the same time:
 the Hebrew family in Egypt celebrating the first Passover (top of picture),
the time of Jesus family (my character singing "Lord, Have Mercy" and Jesus being led to Calvary.

Thank God for the mercy He showed us through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. (If you don't know the end of the story, don't worry. God's power to forgive and show mercy was displayed when Jesus rose from the dead. That will be another post.)

1 comment:

  1. I love that song from the Passion Play, it has replayed in my mind many times.

    I saw the "waiting on God" aspect in this Psalm (from The Message: I pray to God—my life a prayer—and wait for what he'll say and do.
    My life's on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning.). We don't want to wait for anything, we are impatient. I get to the point where I want to manipulate circumstances to bring about what I think should happen.

    God promises, in this Psalm, to those who wait, forgiveness, loving kindness, and redemption. I run my problems and concerns to everyone else either before I take them to God, or as well as talking to God. I am attempting to change that habit. To give things over to God, then to leave it only with Him .... and wait.
