Tuesday, April 24, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 115

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be glory.

We live in a world of glory seekers.. It's easy to see on television where you have American Idol and many other singing competitions - each looking for the next big star. You have politicians and world leaders who seem to have their own glory as their main goal rather than helping those they should be leading. You even see it in the Christian world as TV evangelists and mega-church preachers (and musicians) push their own agendas and seek their own glory rather than pointing to the One who deserves all glory and praise (because of His lovingkindness and His truth v. 1)

The idols of the psalmist's day were easy to identify.. They were carved out of wood or stone or molded out of metal. Of course many convinced themselves that those idols could hear and speak and do stuff, but the psalmist pointed out the obvious - they can't see, speak, hear, smell, etc.

Pointing out idols today may not be as easy since they aren't carved out of wood, but they still are made by man's hands. I'm not saying that watching American Idol makes you an idolater.

I am saying, however, that the recognition that we give celebrities, athletes, politicians, and others is a form of idolatry when we spend more time thinking about them and wanting to be like them and those kinds of things than we do thinking about and wanting to be like the Lord, our help and our shield.

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