Monday, April 23, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 114

 I would never want to be one to criticize a writer of scripture, but it seems like the psalmist here was just getting warmed up and then he quit. I guess it might have been written by Aaron or Miriam. Miriam wrote other hymns of praise to God for Israel's deliverance form Egypt. Maybe this one was written just after the Israelistes had crossed the Jordan River. The trembling mountain most likely refers to Mt. Simai shaking as God gave the law to Moses. The sea of course is the Red Sea that parted when Israel crossed over.

Even though this is a short psalm it tells of God's greatness and power over the earth as He delivered His people. We tend to look at these miracles as no big deal since we have heard about them since we were little. And of course we believe God could and did do them. But if you stop and think about them, they are totally amazing! Not only did the Red Sea part, but they crossed on DRY land. Their feet didn't even get muddy. Look at each of these miraculous things God did for Israel and see them with eyes of wonder instead of "yeah, I already knew that"eyes and you'll "tremble at the presence of the Lord" just as the psalmist says.

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