Thursday, January 5, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 5

I used to sing this song back in the 90s. haha. That sounds so long ago now. It's a beautiful setting of this morning prayer.

v. 3 "At daybreak, Lord, You hear my voice;
at daybreak I plead my case to You
and watch expectantly."

David began his day telling God his concerns and worries for the day. Probably a lot of us do that. But I really like the end of that verse where he says, "and watch expectantly." Do you watch expectantly to see how God is going to answer your cries?

A wonderful truth is seen in verses 4-7
David states that God doesn't delight in the wicked and that the boastful cannot stand in His presence but then there is this beautiful truth. We can enter into His presence because of His love (and the sacrifice of Jesus)
"I enter Your house by the abundance of Your faithful love;
I bow down toward Your holy temple"

It reminded me of the words in the song "Offering" by Paul Baloche


  1. Thank you, Bro. Lyndel! With the words of the Psalm, your words, and the music and scenes on the video, I have truly worshipped this morning!

  2. I'll need to listen to the music and videos when I get home tonight. I did read through the Psalm and was struck by part of verse 8 - "Make your way straight before me." It may seem like the pathway we take is winding. My prayer is that no matter what I think of it, that God would continue to guide me on His path/way which viewed from the vantage point of eternity would look a lot straighter. I pray that the twists and turns are of God's choosing, and not me wandering from His plan for my life.
