Monday, January 24, 2011

A Pro-Life Argument You Can't Disagree With

I have a feeling I'm about to say a whole bunch of things that are politically INCORRECT!

After trying to think of how to ease into the conversation I'll just jump in.

Last Saturday, January 22, was the anniversary of the start of a terrible genocide - the Roe v. Wade decision that made abortions legal and turned killing unborn babies into a bad version of birth control.

Last Friday I heard former Senator Rick Santorum. He was explaining that his remarks about President Obama supporting abortion rights were NOT racist. The liberal media has called him all kinds of names because - well, I'm just paraphrasing and I hope I say all of this correctly - anyway, what I got out of the whole interview was that Mr. Santorum, knowing that there is a disproportionate number of black babies aborted, said he couldn't belive that President Obama, as a black man, could support abortions rights. And so now the liberal media is calling Mr. Santorum a racist bigot.

It seems to me that the racists are those who are happy with the fact that the African-American community has more abortions than other races.

Over the weekend I had thought of a bunch of things to say here but now that I'm typing I don't think I will. I figure most of the people who read my blog are against abortion anyway and those who are for it won't care what I have to say.

But I do have two wonderful reasons why I am against abortion. Both of these children could have easily have been aborted and no one would have thought anything about it. One of them was born to a woman who was living in a hotel room with two of her other children with a man who wasn't the baby's father. The father had ten other children - most not living with him - and he couldn't afford to care for another child. But both the mother and the father loved their baby enough to give him life and then loved him enough to give him a chance at a wonderful life that they knew they couldn't provide.

So here is a picture of me with the two best reasons of why I am pro-life and totally against abortion - two of my grandbabies, Benjamin and Hannah. They will be 4 and 5 years old next month and have filled our lives with love and joy and color!

You can't argue with that even if you are a pro-abortion person.


  1. Well spoken my friend! It's so sad what our world accepts everyday. And even we, as Christians, need to not let certain things be swept under the rug!

  2. Beautiful children. Abortion, just like evolution, simply doesn't make any sense. Just as all creation shouts for us to notice it's creator, so do children reveal God's unique and wonderful creativity and love.

  3. You have beautiful grandbabies.
    I don't know how anyone would want to harm a child. But, I know many people who will fight tooth & nail, for animals to be saved and not killed at animal shelters, and at the same time be for abortion.
    Why do they think dogs, cats, and whatever are more important than babies?
    I've never received a good answer to that question.
