Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good for the Office, Maybe Not the Choir Loft

I was checking the news when I saw a link to "Winter Grooming Do's and Don'ts" for men. Being the - hopefully - well-groomed man that I picture in my head, I thought I should check it out. Grooming Do's and Don'ts on Fox News

Here is one of the "don'ts"

Don't: Use understated aromas

Light fragrances are too flimsy for the cold. Take advantage of the season by swapping your citrusy cologne for something a bit bolder. Spicy, woody ones with base notes of tobacco, oak, vetiver, and patchouli are your best bests for weathering the winter months in scented style.

Vetiver? Really? Thankfully I have a link to Merriam-Webster on line.

vet·i·ver noun \ˈve-tə-vər\

Definition of VETIVER

: a tall perennial grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) of southeastern Asia cultivated in warm regions especially for its fragrant roots which are used especially in woven goods (as mats) and in perfumes; also : its root

Too bad you can't get scents on line.

and Patchouli? I am so out of the fragrance loop.

patch·ou·li noun \ˈpa-chə-lē, pə-ˈchü-lē\

Definition of PATCHOULI

: a heavy perfume made from the fragrant essential oil of a southeast Asian mint (Pogostemon cablin); also : the plant itself
So... I'm all for you all smelling really pretty this time of year. But on a Sunday morning you might hold off gettin' all perfumed up until after you've sung in the choir. It makes it difficult when you take a nice deep breath to hold out the last note of a songe -for instance - and you take in a big mouthful of tobacco, oak and vetiver. hahaha.
You know if schools close tomorrow we don't get to have choir tomorrow night. HOpefully I'll see you, but it looks like we'll miss our mid-week pick-me-up.

1 comment:

  1. I do NOT want to miss choir!!!!!!!
