Friday, October 8, 2010

What's Happening at 10:10 on 10-10-10

Well, if we're on schedule, at 10:10 on 10-10-10 the message from our pastor, Dr. Larry D. Robertson will have started. Although I did tell some of the kids in choir the other day that at 1:10 on 10-10-10 they should jump up and say, "it's 10:10 10-10-10!" But I don't think they'll really do it!

Here's what will happen just before all the tens.

October 10, 2010

Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Crown Him with Many Crowns  - a verse or two then back to
Come, Now is the Time to Worship

Choir anthem – Revive Us Again

Fellowship song – My Savior's Love

Mighty to Save
Jesus Messiah

Special music – Remember Me

Message – Dr. Larry D. Robertson

Followed by The Lord's Supper

If you don't know Jesus Messiah very well yet try singing along with Chris. (He sings it too high for most of us, but you'll see how the song goes. Or work on some harmony parts! That would be nice!

Hope to see you Sunday morning!

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