Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kids Choral Connection 2010

Last weekend our 3-5 grade choir traveled to Cookeville for the Kids Choral Connection.
First everyone had to fill out paperwork that was notarized by Christi, Bro. Tim's assistant. (She really liked this picture so I had to be sure and include it here on the blog. And I must admit I took a good picture.)

We met in the parking lot and checked off our list and loaded up the bus.
(Please notice how sad the parents are in being child free for the weekend. haha!)

By the way - you can click on any of these pictures and see a larger view of them.
There was a wreck on I-40 at Lebanon, so we had the fun of seeing the back roads of Wilson County.
Even though it took THREE HOURS longer to get there, the kids were great on the bus and didn't complain at all. (Although some thought we were lost. Nope, just finding a road not shut down by a wreck.)
A funny side note you may have seen on my facebook page. Some of you need to get your kids out of Clarksville more often. As we were approaching downtown Nashville the girl behind me on the bus said, with great wonder in her voice, "is that New York City?"
Once we arrived we had pizza for supper then went straight to our first rehearsal.

Here are a few random shots of kids at the KCC.

 Of course this wonderful trip wouldn't be possible without our wonderful adult sponsors going with us. Here are a few of us.
Recreation times were a lot of fun.
 Some of our kids.

KCC ends with a wonderful time of worship and recording as we sing through all of the songs we have worked on. I didn't take pictures of the concert because 1. it was a worship service, 2. I didn't want the kids saying "CHEEEEEEZE" during the recording, 3. I didn't want clicking sounds on the recording 4. once you've seen a bunch of pictures of kids in red shirts you've pretty much seen them all.

Until next year!

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