Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where You Live - Memory Mon/Tues Day - September 28

I've always heard people say that God's timing is perfect. They usually say that when they have been waiting on an answer from God and haven't gotten one - or at least not the answer they wanted. I think that shows great faith - knowing that God is in control and will accomplish things in His time.

Sometimes people say that after they see God's answer and they realize that if things had happened when they wanted them to that they would have missed a blessing or they wouldn't have seen God do something really awesome in their lives.

And I believe it myself, that God's timing is perfect. I know from a long story that I wouldn't be in the house I am in if things had gone the way I had planned it. God has blessed me and Cheryl more than I deserve. And now it looks like I may have actually sold my "vacation" home. WOOHOO! "Vacation" home is just what I have called my house in Whites Creek for some time now. It just sounds better than "that old house of mine that has been on the market for two years because I put it up for sale a week before the big housing crash that still hasn't recovered." Yes. I've been making two house payments for a year now. (We lived there and commuted for a long time before God opened a way for us to move to Clarksville.)

As I was thinking about Memory Monday/Tuesday I wondered if I could find some verses that gave a biblical basis to the old saying, "God's timing is perfect."

We see in Galatians 4:4 NASB "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son"

But we would expect that of Jesus. What about some old music guy who lives in Clarksville. Does God have perfect timing for me? I think so. But I'm not sure what verse I can quote for you. The one that keeps coming to mind while I type is Romans 8:28 NASB so that' going to be our memory verse for this week.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the possible sale! Yes, God's timing is perfect, in hindsight I've seen that so often in my life.

    And on a funny "vacation home" note, the past couple weekends when it has been so pleasant, Jerry and I have sat in our backyard just reading (or he playing on his iPad). I've called it my $50,000 vacation, since we finished paying off the house a few years back, it's now one of my "vacation" spots!
