Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Wednesday and We Have a LOT to do!

If you are in Hilldale's choir then you know we have a lot to do. If you are one of my thousands (haha) of readers around the world you can read to see how busy we are. This is just a reminder of why it is important to be in choir tonight (and next week, and the next, and the next......)

First of all we are getting ready to sing at the Tennessee Baptist Pastor's Conference in November. November seems like a long way away since October doesn't get here until tomorrow, but November is just a few rehearsals away. We'll be joining up with three other choirs! Grace Baptist in Knoxville, Grace Baptist in Springfield and Lion's Creek Baptist in Strawberry Plains. They say the choir loft holds 240. We will probably end up with more than that. It should sound glorious with that many people singing together!

You'll need to know "For Your Name," "Hear the Call of the Kingdom," and "Our God Saves" by memory! (I'm pretty sure they'll have a way to show us words, but we won't be holding books!)

Then of course "the Tree" is coming up in December. We have only ten rehearsals before the dress rehearsal. YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY! TEN!

Here's the schedule:

Dec. 7 - 6:00 -  orchestra only (but soloists can come sing along)
Dec. 8 - 6:00 -  last rehearsal before the dress rehearsal
Dec. 9 - 6:00 - dress rehearsal
Dec. 10 - 6:30 call, 7:00 performance of "the Tree"
Dec. 11 - 6:30 call, 7:00 performance of "the Tree"
Dec. 12 - 2:30 call, 3:00 performance of "the Tree"

There are nine songs to learn. You can't learn them all in one week, so I'll be looking for you tonight!

However... as I say and have said over and over again.... The most important thing we do is lead in worship Sunday by Sunday. Of course we'll be singing songs for the Pastor's Conference on Sunday mornings in the next few weeks, and we have seen all of them in rehearsal, but for us to be our best we need all of us to be here on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings. Thank you soooo much for how you show up and sing so beautifully week after week! I'll look for you tonight and Sunday!

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