Sunday, August 10, 2008

Traveling to Rio

We had a good travel day yesterday and today as we made our way to Rio.

Bro. Paul and his wife, Shelly, drove us to the Nashville airport. We were excited to see that the Nashville airport folks are upgrading their mufids.

Here's our group heading toward our gate.

This guy looked like he knew about the renovations at the airport, but he couldn't explain to me what a mufid was.

We got to sit on the tarmack for an extra 40 minutes as they waited for the control tower in Memphis to get back on line. They think it's a good idea for the control towers around to know where the planes are. We thought that was a good idea ourselves.

We changed planes in Atlanta. We left Atlanta about 8:30pm and arrived in Rio about ten hours later. It's a little difficult to sleep as you are being hurled through the air at 950 kilometers per hour, but the 767-400 has a personal movie/game/music/turn your light on and off/watch old TV shows screen on the back of the seat in front of you to help you pass the time. I watched "Horton Hears a Who". I recommend it. I laughed a lot.

Cheryl was a tiny bit nervous about the plane. She doesn't like to fly at all. (She takes the "hurled through the air" phrase literally.) So her good friend Brenda made her a frog to take with her. There's a little tag on it Fully Relying On God. She kept the frog on her tray. Cheryl said the trip really wasn't so bad and she credits all of the people who prayed for her.
We had a nice lunch at our hotel and now the team is napping a little before our orientation meeting this evening before supper. We couldn't go to the church we will be working with for their evening service because that part of town is not a safe place to be after dark. Oh, that reminds me... remember us in your prayers this week. And pray that God will be able to do great things in and through us.

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