Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Little Training

We had some cross-cultural witness training tonight. It's soooo easy. You all need to learn this and use it at work and school and wherever God takes you. It's a cross between EE, CWT, FAITH, Four Spiritual Laws and probably more. You take this simple outline and fill it in a tiny bit and add verses you know that fit with each number. One really important thing to rermember is that with an interpreter your 5 minute testimony becomes 10 and a 30 minutes sermon becomes an hour. Tomorrow we will leave the hotel at 8:00am and work until 5:00 witnessing door to door in some apartments right behind the church.

Our teacher/missionary, Ray Fairchild

1. God loves you and has a plan for your life and wants to be with you now and forever.

2. Sin is disobedience against God and causes death which is being separated from God both now and forever.

3. Jesus is God's Son and He died for your sins.

4. Response - you must believe Jesus is the only way to heaven and ask Jesus to be your Savior and invite Him into your life.

5. A prayer. (and then we have a model prayer written out in Portuguese. (That might not work for you in the States.)

Our class, practicing the 5 points.

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