Friday, August 15, 2008

Rio Mission - Day 6

Graffiti on the way to our work area.

This was our last day of door-to-door evangelism. We had a total of 60 people who prayed to receive Christ. At least that - we didn't always get cards filled out and sometimes several people in the family would pray but they would only list one or say "familia" and then we don't really know how many. It was very exciting to see God at work.

Favela near our favela. It looks nicer than it is.

We noticed something interesting. We had two families today and several on other days that mentioned to me and Cheryl that they have adopted children or grandchildren. (See if you haven't seen my adopted grandchildren) No one mentioned adoption to the other teams. Lisa had several mention to her that they had husbands or family members who had passed away this past year. We might have had one mention that to us.

Another picture of us at lunch. That's Ray in the white shirt.

All the groups had people mention that it was very odd that we found them at home that they just happened to be home from work that day for one reason or another. We happen to know God had them at home so we could talk to them.

Tomorrow we will relax for a little bit and see the sights of Rio, like Christo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) the giant statue of Christ on the tallest mountain overlooking Rio. (Cheryl's calls it the Christ of the Ozarks statue. We always laughed, but it ends up that the one in Arkansas is a smaller replica of this one.)

The view from the top of the church building.

Sunday we will see our new Brazilian friends one more time as we worship together at their church. I will play the violin with their associate pastor playing the keyboard. I'm going to preach too. I don't know if the associate pastor will also preach or not. Tulio, my interpreter for the week, will interpret. The pastor is on vacation. I don't know if he will be back Sunday. Then Sunday evening we fly out. I think our flight leaves around 11:00pm.

Click the picture to enlarge it if you need. Notice that behind the glass are today's chickens. In the cages are chickens having their last meals before they end up behind the glass.

Thank you for your prayers during the week. My stomach is happier now that I've had several doses of Imodium during the day. We have been safe and God has blessed our work. Pray not only for our services Sunday, but services at Hilldale and around the world. The fields are white for the harvest. God may not have called you to Brazil this week, but He has called you to Clarksville or Nashville or wherever it is that you live. The harvest is His and He has prepared it. What are you waiting for?

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