Friday, August 15, 2008

Living on the White Line

Traffic in Rio is amazing. There are traffic lights, but I think they are mainly suggestions. Same thing with the lanes. If you need to be somewhere you just start heading in that direction and people move out of the way and you move out of their way. It's amazing that no one is killed. Or maybe it's amazing that they don't report it on the news. Ha! Not that you could be sure when to watch the news. "The news is on at 6:00" means they'll start at 5:50 if that's when they are ready, but more likely that they'll start some time before 7:00. "It's still the 6:00 hour", is the answer to our questioning looks.

Living on the white line is how the motorcyclists live. They drive on the white lines. They honk their horns and you scoot over. According to Ray, if you don't, they kick your mirror off. If you hit them, then all of the motorcyclists behind you destroy your car. and there are a lot of motorcyclists. I asked if they had a death wish. "No. They're just in a hurry and want to get past you." Amazing.

We've met several people this week who are interested in giving their lives to Jesus, but they think they have to get ready. They want to be a better person first. We tell them that Jesus says, "Come, just as you are", but it is difficult for them. They are living on the white line. They don't want to commit to Jesus, but they don't want to miss out either. They know they don't want in the lane that leads to separation from God, but they aren't ready to give up smoking or drinking or whatever they think the church will ask. They don't want to have to follow a bunch of rules. We try to explain that we aren't talking about joining a church or following rules, that it is a personal relationship with God through Jesus. Its difficult for them to understand. I think we see the same thing in the States.

Pray for a couple Cheryl and I talked to today. She came over to a different apartment complex than the one she lives in to invite us to her home. We presented the Gospel, but neither she nor her husband wanted to give their lives to Christ then. The man even came down to the courtyard a few moments after we left and invited me to come back to their house the next time we were in Brazil. So I know that God is working in their hearts.

Time for supper. (Not that my stomach is wanting much. Imodium AD has helped, but still not quite happy...) I'll post more later. Here's a picture of where we eat lunch each day.

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