Monday, February 18, 2008

Jeff Gordan's Car, I-24, 2 Dozen Eggs and You

What do Jeff Gordan's car

and I-24

and 2 dozen eggs

have to do with you?

It's the number 24!

What's so important about the number 24????

Passion Play Countdown Gets Serious

We are no longer counting weeks, we are counting days! We are now down to 24 days before the Dress Rehearsal, March 13, for Bow the Knee Hilldale's Passion Play. You read that correctly - twenty-four days!

Billboards are going up. Drama rehearsals are in full swing. More stuff has to happen ("stuff" is the official technical term for "oh, my! there are a thousand things to finish up!") The set is going up next Monday. AND IF IT SNOWS!!!! I will unofficially be in the choir room on any scheduled choir or drama rehearsal evening for anyone who wants to brave the "oh look, the snow all melted by noon" streets of Clarksville.
I'm getting excited! See you Wednesday!

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