Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The 23rd Psalm

If you've just joined us in our countdown, let me catch you up. We are now 23 days from our dress rehearsal for Bow the Knee Hilldale's Passion Play 2008. So to help pass the days in a calmer way (rather than in full panic mode) we have a fun countdown going.

So today, being day 23, took my mind to the most famous 23 ever - Psalm 23. We hear this Psalm so many times at funerals, but it is soooo much more than a funeral Psalm. The last verse is really the only part that has to do with eternal life. The rest is a great testimony to God's goodness now.

Psalm 23 - KJV 1611

Here's a cool thought. Psalm 23 was David's testimony of God's goodness to him, but God is still in the same business. You could write Psalm 23 yourself - you just have to pay attention to what God is doing. Let me encourage you today to look for all the ways that God is comforting you. See how He is leading you on a path of righteousness. What green pastures and still waters have you had in your life today?

My favorite hymn (which I had in the poll but I didn't know it only listed the first five when I created it) is Great Is Thy Faithfulness. It is a modern day Psalm 23.

"Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."

Let Psalm 23 encourage you today. Look for it's truths in your life.

And listen to your rehearsal CD! The real reason for our countdown!

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