Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blame the Groundhog!

I've always been one to poke fun at those who look to rodents for their weather forcasts.

And if I were a superstitious kind of person - which I am not (This would be a good spot to put in a mini sermon about Christians being superstitious, but I'll spare you this morning.) - anyway, if I were superstitious I would say I messed everything up when I bad-mouthed the groundhog.

It's 8:30 and it's still snowing here in the holler. I'll brave devil's elbow in a minute and head to Clarksville...

Here's a picture of devil's elbow after the blizzard in '51. Yes, for you younger readers, they had cameras back then.

Check back later today for more news about rehearsals.


  1. Bro. Lyndel, if anyone wants to attend choir this evening, but is afraid to brave the roads, I will gladly give them a ride. Just have them give me a call at xxx. ha ha ha Don't feel bad about your "no snow" prayer not being answered... I think you may have been outnumbered by the students and teachers!!! In Christ's service...K

  2. After re-reading this post it makes it sound like I was around in '51. I wasn't. I am much younger than that.
