Thursday, November 15, 2007

Saint Update

I mentioned last night that I had searched all over the internet to find out why the saints in the pictures have the special "Saint" hand signal. But alas, I googled and googled and never found the answer. I was so excited Monday evening while at the Tennessee Baptist Convention that it dawned on me that a friend of mine, Dr. Jonathan Nelms, Minister of Music at FBC, Cookeville, would know the answer! In case you missed it last night, here's what happened.
(and here is the original post if you missed it )

"Dr. Nelms", I said, "you have a nice degree from an ecumenical sort of place. You will know the answer to my great dilemma that Google could not answer" (or something like that). "Tell me the meaning of the special "Saint" hand signal."

Sure enough, Dr. Nelms knows such things. (someone last night said, "and it cost him how much to know that?")
And here it is.
The second and third fingers lifted up represent the duality of the nature of Christ - fully God and fully man. That's cool!
The three fingers together in the circle represent the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Also very cool!

So now we know. Who said you can't teach an old Baptist a thing or two?

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