Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bonus Rehearsals and Singing Trees

This is now an edited version of this post. My lovely wife mentioned how it took me waaaay to long to get to the summary at the end, so I'm moving the summarey here - to the top. Feel free to read further down the post for more detailed information.

Summary - easier to read.
Nov. 18 - 6:30-8:00
Nov. 28 - 6:15-8:00
Dec. 5 - 6:15-8:00
Dec. 8 - 6:00-? staging night (get in the tree!)
Dec. 12 - 6:00-8:00 on stage and in the tree - all choirs and actors
Dec. 13 - 6:00-8:00 DRESS REHEARSAL
Dec. 14 - 6:00 call, 7:00 performance
Dec. 15 - 6:00 call, 7:00 performance
Dec. 16 - 2:00 call, 3:00 performance
Dec. 17 - take a nap

I thought you might like to see some other trees.

Doesn't "bonus" sound like such a great deal? Extra time with friends singing great Christmas music and it doesn't cost anything more!

The first bonus rehearsal up is this Sunday night at 6:30. If you are attending the Thanksgiving dinner then just head to the choir room after you eat. If you aren't eating here then you can get to the choir room whenever you want to. We'll rehearse until 8:00.

We WILL NOT have child care that night, so a spouse or parent or friend will need to watch your kiddos. or bring them with you. They can sing along.

The next Wednesday rehearsal will be Nov. 28.

We will "stage" the tree - meaning, put you all in the tree, actors on the stage, children and youth in the aisles for "Christmastime" and "He Reigns" on Saturday night, Dec. 8 from 6:00-8:00 pm. We will have child care this night. This is a very important time for you to be here!

Thursday, Dec. 13 is our dress rehearsal at 6:00 pm. The orchestra will be here and we need all choirs and actors and light people and sound people and camera people and anyone else that is involved to be here! There will be child care.

Performances are Dec. 14-15 at 7 with a call time (meaning that's when you need to showup) of 6:00.

The matinee performance on Dec. 16 is at 3 with a call time of 2:00.

It's going to be wonderful! I can hardly wait!

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