Sunday, January 29, 2017

Psalm 29 - Not Asking for Anything

Psalm 29 doesn't ask God for anything. No one is complaining about life. No one is wishing his enemies were destroyed.

Instead, the psalm is telling us how great and powerful the LORD is. With just His voice He breaks mighty cedars, shakes the wilderness, flashes out flames of fire and so much more.

The LORD sits as King forever!

And look at this - v.11 The LORD gives His people strength. The Almighty God who was above the waters of the flood, who flashes fire, who strips the forest bare with just his voice... He gives His people strength. That's a lot of strength.

Spend some time this week thinking about the great and powerful things of this world. That should inspire you to give glory to God - to worship Him in the splendor of His holiness.

Bottom line:
See if you can spend time in prayer - like start to finish in a prayer time, maybe a whole day - without asking God for anything. Instead, just keep praising Him for His glory and greatness and power. I think it will change you and how you view God. Let me know what you think.

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