Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Passion Play Want Ads

It's that time of year when we're looking for actors. And, as usual, we mainly need men. I'm sorry ladies, it's nothing personal, but between 12 disciples, a couple of Pharisees, Pilate, 2 thieves, and an angry mob, the Passion Play needs a lot of male actors.

The two main speaking parts are covered, so now I just need all of the men listed above. Call the church office and ask for Donna or send me (or Donna) an email saying you're willing to be in our Passion Play this year.

"When is the Passion Play?" you may ask.

I'm glad you asked!

We're doing a "real time" Passion Play again. We'll start on Palm Sunday and end on Easter Sunday.
The dates are:

March 29 - Palm Sunday - 8:30 and 9:45 am
April 2 - Communion Thursday - 7:00 pm
April 3 - Good Friday (arrest and crucifixion) - 7:00 pm
April 5 - Resurrection Sunday! - 7:00 am, 8:30 and 9:45

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