Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Generation - Giant Choir

Timothy was the Apostle Paul's "beloved son" (2 Timothy 1:2) in the faith, his partner in ministry, the one he left behind to pastor the church in Ephesus (according to most Bible scholars.)

Look at this great testimony of where Timothy was taught about faith found in the first chapter of 2 Timothy.

             5 For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.

This Sunday in worship (at 8:30 and 9:45) we are going to have a beautiful picture of one generation declaring their faith to another generation as we sing "One Generation" the title song from our new choir CD. We're going to have a GIANT Family Choir with all generations singing together. ♫ One Generation shall praise Your name to another. ♪ ♫ One Generation declares Your mighty works.♪ ♫

While we sing we will have a video playing made up of pictures from our church family. In these pictures you will see three, four and even five generations together. It's REALLY awesome!

Here's a picture of me and my mom and my daughter, Christy, and her son - my newest grandbaby, Malachi. (It will be in the video while we sing - of course.)

So that you and your children can learn "One Generation" and join us in our Giant Mother's Day Choir this Sunday, here is a recording of "One Generation" that you can listen to.


Of course EVERYONE needs to buy a copy of our CD (it's how I'm helping our HS handbell choir, ReZounding PraiZe, get to Portugal on a mission trip) and it's just nice to have some worship music to play in your car while you're traveling around town with your children. The CD is made of songs that we sing together in worship or that you have heard our choir sing.

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