Friday, April 5, 2013

The Psalm 150 Project

Psalm 150 calls us to praise the Lord with instruments.
Our music/worship ministry invites you to join us in leading in worship by using your band or orchestra instrument during our Sunday morning worship during the 8:30 and 9:45 services.
This is how it will work - at least at first.
Contact Bro. Lyndel or Donna and let us know what instrument you play. (You can call the church office, send an e-mail or a Facebook message.) In addition to what instrument you play, let us know how long you have played and if there is anything else we need to know before we get music for you. For instance: if you play the baritone do you read treble or bass clef?
We will then have music for you to pick up on Wednesday night for the following Sunday morning. Your music will be in the choir room. It will be your responsibility to play through the music (more than once, thank you) before Sunday morning. Then at 8:00 on Sunday (or earlier - I'm here at 7:00) you can set up to play for the service that begins at 8:30.
At first we will only play the first set of music in the service and then you can leave when the choir leaves and either go to your LifeGroup or to the service. As we play more we'll add more music and have some Sunday afternoon rehearsal times.
I've created a Facebook group called "The Psalm 150 Project" where we can share information about instrumental music in worship at Hilldale. If I could figure out how to get it's
Facebook address I would put it here. Haha!


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