Thursday, November 1, 2012

Links to Posts about Saints

Today, November 1, is All Saints Day. It is every year. So I searched through my blog posts for "Saints" and found several posts over the years about "saints."

I've re-posted this one several times.
Today Is Your Day

At the end of that post I mentioned the special "Saints hand signal" that I figured we all need to learn.
Here's what I found out about the special "Saints hand signal."  Saints Update

I also ran across one of my favorite posts about Family Television (I mentioned "saints" in that post.)
It is one of my favorite posts because it's actually about worship, not TV. If you only read one of these posts I hope it will be this one. Family Television

My first thought of how to end this post was to say, "Have a blessed day as one of God's saints." But instead I think I should turn it around.

Go be a blessing to someone today because you are one of God's satins.

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