Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More from Psalm 149 - Let them praise His name with dancing!

3 Let them praise His name with dancing

A lot of Baptists get nervous about dancing. I remember a sermon once - years ago - on the 3 sinful Ds - drinkin', dancin' and drugs. I think what turned Baptist preachers against dancing was the rather obscene movements used in a whole lot of dancing. What's the old saying about vertical moves and something about horizontal and now I think Cheryl is going to fuss at me for writing that.... Others were against the kind of places you had to go to dance - bars and such.

Dancing is why some preachers are against certain kinds of music. There are some types of music that you just have to move your feet to.

In Psalm 149 dancing is another way to praise the Lord. Sometimes singing isn't enough; your whole body needs/wants to be involved in worship. Many of our Pentecostal friends have discovered this in their worship. They are more than happy to move and dance and sing and worship. (I don't see this happening soon at my church since many won't even clap their hands to a peppy song - but that's OK.)

Dance is also a beautiful way to convey a feeling and to tell a story. In this year's Passion Play we had a beautiful dance that told the story of Moses when his mother hid him in a basket in the Nile and Pharaoh's daughter found him. The dance was to the song "Deliver Us" from "Prince of Egypt." It was AWESOME!

Here are some pictures. Maybe I can get a clip of that song to put on here for those of you who weren't able to see it in person.

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