Tuesday, May 22, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 143

How's your prayer life?

There are two things that stood out to me in today's psalm.

1. The psalmist based his call for answered prayer on God's faithfulness and righteousness - His lovingkindness in the morning. Too often our prayers for God's help, answers or deliverance are based on what we think we have done or we deserve. Now which would you rather have as your plea to the Sovereign Lord God Creator of the universe - your version of your goodness and what you think you deserve or a plea based on God's faithfulness, righteousness and lovingkindness? That should make a difference in how you pray.

2. v5 "I remember the days of old ; I meditate on all Your doings ; I muse on the work of Your hands."
I think I've blogged on more than one occasion that it is important to look back and remember what God has done in the past - not only in your life but throughout the world, throughout history. Remembering brings about praise, worship and thanksgiving. It also brings hope and confidence for the future that is based on what God has already done. This too should make a difference in how you pray.

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