Saturday, May 5, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 126

Day lilies from last summer
If you are my friend on facebook then you know I like to garden. There are a lot of things gardeners do that at the moment don't seem very interesting or don't appear to have any purpose. Many times - most of the time -  it's hard work.

The soil around my house is TERRIBLE. (and from what I hear from others it's like this around most of the Clarksville area) It is a bunch of rocks - many different kinds of ugly rocks - held together with nasty orange clay and a little bit of dirt. When I plant a rose bush I trade the rose for a bucket of rocks!

Not only do I have to take out all of the rocks, but I add things to the soil: organic matter, fertilizer -My favorite was when I asked the Waynicks for a big load of cow poop. I think they thought I was a little bit crazy asking for that, but it does great things for a flower bed! (and Larry Dale brought me some!) You can see from my iris and day lilies that cow poop is great stuff!

Climbing roses
 A gardener can sow in tears (hard work, sweat and tears) because he knows the promise of the future. He's seen what has happened in the past. He has rejoiced in a bountiful harvest in the past so he knows, as he sows, that another harvest is a sure thing.

The psalmist is celebrating God's deliverance of His people from captivity. God' work was so obvious that the nations around knew it was God who did it. God's deliverance in our lives is a testimony to all those who know us (and even those who don't) that God is the One at work in our lives.

We can then go out and invest our lives - our blood, sweat and tears - into God's work knowing that even though we may sow in tears we know it is a worthwhile cause because God will bring about a harvest that will bring joy into our lives.

What are you sowing? You reap what you sow, you know, so invest your sowing in things for the Kingdom. It's worth the tears!

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