Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Passion Play 2012 - Miracle Man

"The Miracle Man" words and music by Chris Machen from the musical "Bow the Knee" (published by Allegis) is always a great song for the Passion Play. Here are some pics from this year.

"Have you heard the news today? A Galilean came this way. He touched a sightless man, made him see again.

As He moved among the crowd, A crippled man was crying out. Jesus raised him up, made him walk again.
Who but God can do miracles?
Then who must Jesus be?
He's the miracle man...

Did you see Him heal that man? The one who had a withered hand: When he held it up it was whole again.

even now the deaf can hear. Even so the speechless cheer..
Even death has no power over Him. We watched with wonder in our eyes.
Jesus took a lifeless child into His arms,
Then He said, "Child arise!"

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