Friday, April 6, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 97

The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice!

There are some great images in this psalm of God's power and greatness. It's easy to enjoy reading these vereses and picturing God in His greatness as the mountains melt and the skies are lit up with lightning.

However, the verse I want to point out isn't always as easy to apply to one's life.

 10 Hate evil, you who love the LORD,

There is some evil that is easy to hate. We hate evil when we hear of terrible things happening to children at the hands of godless people. We hate evil when we read about Christians in Muslim countries being persecuted because of their faith. We hate evil when it is a doctor helping a woman end an unwanted pregnancy (or those who try to make it easier to do such things.) There are many examples that probably came to your mind as you read those.

But do we hate evil when we like it?

"HUH? I don't like evil."

Let me ask it another way.
Do we hate evil if it is our sin? Do we hate evil if it is dressed up beautifully in a movie or TV show? Do we hate evil even if it appears that "it's not hurting anybody?"

Tough questions deserve a serious look. Check your heart and see if you hate evil or not.

1 comment:

  1. I had focused immediately on the wording in verse 10, as well "You that love the Lord, hate evil" and thought what a clear command that was. I really appreciate your thoughts and insights into that. I know I have been more discerning of what I watch on TV and books that I read. Thank you for pointing this out again, it's a continuing process we all need to apply to our lives.
