Wednesday, April 4, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 95

Psalm 95 is a wonderful call to worship. There are so many beautifully worded calls to worship and sing and kneel and to shout joyfully and triumphantly. Many of the verses in this psalm have been set to music.

As you're reading through all the great encouragements to worship and sing don't miss the warning in verse 8 - well, actually it's the end of 7 and into 8
"Today, if you hear His voice:
Do not harden your hearts..."

Well... it's dress rehearsal day. I need to go do many things.

1 comment:

  1. In helping with the children's service at Eternal Living Waters Korean fellowship, Jerry and I taught the children a song that used the first verse. I loved the song (of course some children don't like to sing, but they humored me). At one point the song went into a "round" where half the children sang pretty much what the first verse states, the others sang "Jesus is the Rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love." What great truths, and I like it when we sing scripture back to God.

    I also focused in on the caution in verses 7 and 8 "Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart." I've been struggling with a friend of mine that I've known since I was 5, and she is really just off the wall when it comes to any faith/religion (she describes her faith as Dualist Pantheism on facebook, she was raised Jewish). I wonder if she has harden her heart to where she is beyond being accepting of God's sacrifice. Jerry and I talked about that just two days ago. I'll still discuss with her my viewpoint, she respects my thoughts and I do listen to her for a variety of reasons (trying to find something in her life to point out a path to God, and also so I can know how other people think and perceive things).

    All this makes me so grateful for my Godly parents, and that God called me to Him and I listened. How quickly a generation can turn away.
