Sunday, April 29, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 120

Psalm 120 is the first of 15 psalms called "Psalms of Ascent." They were recited as pilgrims came to Jerusalem or as they ascended the steps of the temple.

So if the Psalms of Ascent are to be looked at as a set and this one being the first one in the set then we should look at it as the first step as we come to God. (I'll admit that I haven't read all fifteen psalms today so as I read through them this whole line of thought may change.)   :-)

The first step then is to acknowledge that when we are in trouble we should cry out to God.

The psalmist was surrounded or "dwelt" among a bunch of people wanting war - probably with him. He wanted peace, but they wanted war. When we find ourselves surrounded by those against us we should cry out to God knowing He hears.

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