Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brahms and more

I have had the privilege of playing in the APSU orchestra this semester. They asked string players from the community to join in for the upcoming concert to help fill out their string section. We're playing Brahms 2nd Symphony.

When I first saw the music a wave of "what were you thinking!" ran through me. I haven't played notes that high in 75 years! "Maybe I should play 2nd instead of 1st" entered my mind several times as I tried to play through the 1st movement.

The start of the 4th movement.
"Allegro con spirito" means "hold on to your hat, here we go" (that is a rough translation from the Italian)

Now, a few months into it, I'm very excited to say that I'm playing the first violin part and those high notes aren't so scary after all!

I think the 3rd movement may be my favorite. Although there are some really beautiful parts in the 1st and 2nd. And the 4th movement is wild and exciting. Hmmm. There are just a lot of really great moments throughout.

I know I have many in the Passion Play working on acting, dancing and singing this Sunday afternoon, but for those of you who don't have rehearsals this Sunday I'd like to invite you to hear our concert. Not only are we playing Brahms' 2nd Symphony, the winners of the concerto competition will also play. One of the winners is a clarinetist who will play the 1st movement of Weber's Clarinet Concerto. The orchestra will accompany that also. It's a fun piece you will enjoy hearing. (and he does a great job playing it)

It will be a beautiful afternoon of music.

The concert is at 4:00 in the music/communications building on the Austin Peay campus. That building is on 8th street.

The Music/Mass Communication Building is located at the intersection of 8th and Marion Streets, The main entrance faces Marion Street and a large parking area is available. Upon entering, the Concert Hall is directly ahead (Basically, take College St. to 8th. Turn - hmmm, whatever direction goes into the campus area - I'm guessing West - and the next street is Marion.)

And - Woohoo! - the concert is free!

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