Saturday, March 31, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 91

Whew! Long day. But it's still day 91. :-)

Psalm 91 is a favorite of many people. It has such beautiful word pictures describing God's care and protection. These are verses you should hide away in your mind and heart so they are ready to come to mind during those difficult days we all face from time to time.

Side note.

The devil quotes scripture too! He quoted Psalm 91 when tempting Jesus to throw Himself off of the top of the temple.

It's important to not only know scripture, but to interpret scripture in light of other scripture and in context.  You can't take a verse out of context and try to make a case for or against something using it that way. Scripture will never contradict other scripture or general biblical principles. Some Christian sects and even some denominations sometimes take a single verse and develop an entire doctrine based on that verse. If other verses show it in a different light they ignore those  or explain them away rather than  developing a well-rounded scriptural doctrine. (I'll not point out any guilty parties in this post.)

Another side note.
As you know, I always look for pictures to go along with these posts about the Psalms. Today I ran across several tattoos of Psalm 91. Ha! this guy has a big arm! I would have to use my back to get all of this on me.


  1. Thanks, I needed this today.
    Russell Cook

  2. I love the protection talked about in this Psalm. I also love the truth stated in the middle of verse 15 "I [God] will be with him [me] in trouble." Helps me to know that I will face trouble (there's a lot of the "health and wellness" doctrine out there that would dispute my faith if I have trouble), and that God is with me in that situation.

  3. I still want a tattoo just a little word inside my wrist.

    “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him." How tender is our Savior. I want to believe this all the time!

  4. I love my lord he is so good
