Tuesday, March 20, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 80

Restore us, God of Hosts;
look on us with favor, and we will be saved.

The Israelites had really messed up. God had sent prophets to warn them of coming judgement and they ignored them, ridiculed them, and stoned them. So God allowed Israel's enemies to conquer them and take them away into captivity.

The psalmist is asking God to look on them again with favor like He did when He brought them out of Egypt. I'm a little surprised that there aren't any penitent verses in this psalm since He is asking for God to save them. Maybe he felt like he had already confessed his and the nation's sins and now he was just wondering how long the punishment would last. So maybe the lesson to take from this psalm is that just because you say you're sorry - even if it is heart-felt - doesn't necessarily mean that you will instantly be delivered. We expect that in our society. We want everything instantly. But there are times when the consequences of our sin can't be immediately fixed. It's better to head the warnings from God and avoid the sins rather than try to get out of the consequences. I think that's sometimes a difficult lesson to learn.

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