Wednesday, March 14, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 74

Psalm 74 is a prayer for Israel. There were many times in their history where they had turned their back on God and so God just said, OK, if that's what you want, that's what I'll give you and He stopped talking to them.

It wouldn't take them long to see that they needed God (especially since He wouldn't hold back their enemies.) It's my prayer that our nation will figure out we need God before we get to that place.

I like the imagery of vs. 12-17 showing God's great power. "Leviathan" (according to my fancy Holman Christian Standard study Bible notes) "also appears in other biblical texts (Ps 104:26, Jb 3:8, 44, Is 27:1). He represents the most fierce and powerful sea creature. Whether this creature can be linked to a specific animal in the known world is uncertain, although suggestions range from a crocodile to a dinosaur. There certainly is a connection in Canaanite mythology that links this creature with chaos. Therefore, God defeated chaos and fed him to the creatures of the desert,"

There are several opposites listed here

Sea monster crushed - fed to the beasts of the desert
You opened up springs and streams - You dried up ever-flowing rivers.
The day is Yours - and also the night
You established the moon - and the sun
You made summer - and winter

I think that is to show that God is over everything. So... when you feel abandoned by God as the psalmist did here, do what the psalmist did and remember that God is over everything. Make your own list of opposites (use these to start) and praise God and thank God that He is Lord of all.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the contrasts you pointed out in this Psalm. Part of verse 18 says "And a foolish people has spurned Your name." I think so much of those that mock God and just live their lives with their back turned to Him. Denying His existence, or at the least, His ability to act. Usually due to the fact that they get away with misbehavior, so there must not be a God who cares (or they see unjustice and wonder why God doesn't do something).

    And then there's those of us who forget God - either due to busyness or everything is running along smoothly so we don't give much thought to the blessings of just not having problems.

    Verse 19 says "Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever." and I think of the "forget" part of that as Pastor Robertson has explained it's not that God forgets about us, but at times may not act upon our situation when we think He should or how He should.

    It's good to know that God never forgets, forsakes, or ignores me.
