Monday, March 12, 2012

150 Days of Psalms - Psalm 72

Psalm 72 is "Solomonic." (Now there's a word that probably won't pass "spell check.") That can mean it was written by, written for or in the style of those written by King Solomon.

What I saw in this Psalm - as a prayer for the king - was what we should hope for and pray for in our presidents. (since we don't have kings - although some might argue that our current president is acting a bit like Napoleon in all of his executive orders and such, but that will have to be part of another post)

A king or president should have justice and righteousness in all he does. He should help the poor and afflicted.

This psalm is also a prayer that the nation will have grain and crops and that the people flourish.

But as we have seen in many other psalms, the end result from God blessing the king and the people and of the king taking care of the poor is ultimately so God will be praised.

"May the LORD God, the God of Israel, who alone does wonders, be praised.
May His glorious name be praised forever; the whole earth is filled with His glory.
Amen and amen." vs. 18-19

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